According to critics, Natasa Veljkovic has already interpreted three piano concertos by Joseph Wölfl in a congenial manner and brought cheerful pieces in the style of Mozart and early Viennese Classicism to life. Now she dedicates herself to piano sonatas by Jan Ladislav Dussek, who, it is rumoured, was one of the first to make the piano "sing", and again by Joseph Wölfl. Even more than Wölfl, Dussek concentrated on his instrument in his creative work. He wrote 17 piano concertos and about 35 piano sonatas, which, like Woelfl, he published as individual pieces or in series of three. Both are virtuoso and life-affirming composers, but the Woelfl sonatas are still more in the classical tradition of Clementi's sonatas - indeed, in view of the rather antiquated form, one could almost speak of pre-classical patterns.